Thursday, March 17, 2016

Session 6 : The Logical Network Topology, Continued...

Logical Network Topology

There are three types of Logical Network Topology such as :
~Logical Bus Topology
~Logical Ring Topology
~Logical Star Topology

Logical Bus Topology
A logical bus topology is a network topology in which all nodes see the network signal at the same time, regardless of the physical wiring layout of the network.

Logical Ring Topology
A logical ring topology is a network topology in which each node receives data only from its upstream neighbor and retransmits it only to its downstream neighbor, regardless of the physical layout of the network.

Logical Star Topology
A logical star topology is a network topology in which all the nodes might be wired onto the same bus cable, but a central device polls each node to see if it needs to transmit data.

Let's move to next session...


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