Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Session 3 : The all components of System Units

System Units Components

The system unit itself has several important sub-components, such as: 

System Board 
Central Processing Unit (CPU) 
System Bus 
Storage devices 
Power Supplies 

The System Board 
The system board is the personal computer component that acts as the backbone for the entire computer system. 

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) 

The central processing unit (CPU), sometimes called microprocessor or just processor, is the real brains of the computer and is where most of the calculations take place. 


Memory is the personal computer component that 
comprises the electronic storage areas in the computer. It can be considered either volatile or non-volatile. 

System Bus

The system bus is the main communication path between the CPU and memory. 

Storage Devices 

A storage device is a system unit component, such as a hard drive, that enables users to save data for reuse at a later time, even after the personal computer is shut down and restarted. 

Power Supplies 

A power supply is an internal computer component that converts AC power from an electrical outlet to the DC power needed by system components. 

Let's move to next session...


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